The Universities of the Third Age (u3as) in the United Kingdom are autonomous, self-help organisations run by the voluntary efforts of their members.

The aims of Ise Valley u3a are:-

  • To encourage and enable older people who are no longer in full-time paid employment to help each other to share their knowledge, skills, interests and experience. 
  • To celebrate the capabilities and potential of older people and their value to society

  •  We offer activities which reflect members’ wishes and which aim to satisfy the widest possible range of interests: educational, cultural, recreational, physical and social.
  •  We make use of new technologies as they become available.
  • The Groups are, in the main, member led - see the Group Activity Page


  • Our approach to learning is learning for pleasure. 
  • There is no accreditation or validation and there are no assessments or qualifications to be gained.


  • We are funded by the subscriptions of our members.
  • We collaborate and share expertise and facilities with other U3As in Northamptonshire.
  • See the website for details of the other u3as in Northamptonshire